Have not fired it up yet but it is a beautiful piece of work. It even comes with oil in it. You will spend more for a lot less engine if you go with any other way. Update. This engine is a beast once you get past the stalling problems. The control pack does not have provisions for a dashpot so when slowing down the engine will die. To get past this you need a custom tune or a speed control box. Ford will tell you that you need to set the DIP switches to 111 but this will only work if you are using an oss. if you are using a vss you need to set them on at least 333. This is because the controller expects to see an oss output of about 32000 pulses per mile and a vss only puts out about 8000. **THE CONTROL PACK WAS DESIGNED TO RUN THE ENGINE WHEN USING THE INCLUDED AIR BOX AND TUBING. CUSTOM AIR INTAKE SETUPS ARE WHAT TRIGGER THE "STALLING WHILE APPROACHING A STOP" ISSUE.**